Old woman rebranded in wonder makeover

Is nothing sacred, wonders the IPKat. The answer is "probably not". For generations, American children of all ages have followed the adventures of Wonder Woman. Born in 1941, WW is not much short of her 70th birthday (she has been continuously in print since 1944), which makes her just eight years younger than the equally ageless Joan Collins.

Anyway, BrandChannel informs the IPKat that DC Comics has now officially unveiled Wonder Woman's tough new look. According to WW's new writer, the legendary J. Michael Straczynski:
"She’d concretized over the years [Must be all that botulinum toxin, says Merpel], had turned into this really cool Porsche that people kept in the garage because they were afraid of denting it rather than going flat-out on the open road. She had become, for lack of a better word, stuffy. She became the mom of the girl next door you wanted to date."
For good measure, Straczynski amplified the thinking behind the updating and display of WW's logo:
"If you’re going to make a statement about bringing Wonder Woman into the 21st century, you need to be bold and you need to make it visual. I wanted to toughen her up, and give her a modern sensibility. ... Rather than have the W symbol all over the place on her wardrobe, I wanted to highlight it in one area and make that our statement, letting everything else feel more youthful and street-wise. The exception would be the bracelets, which would be solid on the outer side, with a stylized, almost handwritten W symbol there so that when she crosses her arms you get the full effect. And if she hits you with it, it leaves a W mark. She signs her work."
Will it work? Is this too great a risk to take with a well-known, if well-worn concept?

More on Wonder Woman here
Not to be confused with Superwoman here
Olimar the Wonder Cat here
Wonder Woman in the kitchen here
Wonder Woman in bed here
The Other Woman in the life of J. Michael Straczynski here