Two outstanding competitions: a Kat apologises

More than slightly embarrassed, the IPKat confesses that in his enthusiasm to various other things, he had quite forgotten to announce the winners of a couple of his competitions. The first of these was to provide the best explanation of the meaning of the new World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) logo, the prize being a one-year electronic subscription to the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (JIPLP). Some excellent entries were disqualified by virtue of their being posted underneath the competition announcement rather than being emailed to the IPKat in accordance with the competition rules. Of those remaining, the best are these:

* Graham Titley (Subject Librarian and Copyright Advisor, Charles Seale Hayne Library, University of Plymouth) has penned an entry which rather parodies the prose in which portentous events such as the launch of a new logo by an UN agency such as WIPO might conceivably be announced:
"The new logo is a graphical representation of the WIPO HQ building, a building almost unknown to those who wish to utilise works, and which is staffed by people who earn a lot of money and who think they are influential.

The seven lines represent the seven elements of IP policy areas that deliver most confusion and anguish to both IP owners and those seeking to utilise works fairly without permission. This confusion is further exacerbated by allowing regional and national governments to create, interpret and apply IP laws in their own way, without reference to the policies of WIPO. Because we are so powerless we have demonstrated this confusion by having the seven lines cross over each other - we don't know where our power lies or where we are going so why should you!

The seven lines disappear into the far distance to indicate WIPO's ultimate aim of achieving total domination of IP by the IP owner in perpetuity. This strategic objective is further demonstrated by the seven lines also appearing to be stylised hooks. Now everyone can see visually the stranglehold we wish IP owners to gain over their works. Once hooked into our policies, works will only be able to be utilised by gaining permission, and paying a fee. We want all IP owners to benefit in kind for their intellectual efforts.

The design itself rests on the acronym of the organization, an acronym that those seeking fair use of works 'Wi(ee)PO..ver'!"
This entry, it should be noted, comes with disclaimers that it does not reflect a true opinion of WIPO, nor does it reflect either the opinion or the position of Graham's employer.

* Michael Downing (partner, Fry Heath & Spence LLP) expresses the sentiment that this logo "represents the feeling you get when you're trying to find the basis for something in the PCT Rules.... forever going round in circles that don't quite meet up".

* Tony McStea (Senior Patent Attorney, Global Patents, Givaudan Schweiz AG) explains the logo as "A promise to continue driving us all around the bend".

* "Hello!" says Stephen Evans, "You asked for alternative explanations for the new WIPO logo. Well, despite trying to escape the association of their name with toilets it's clear to me that they have finally admitted defeat and given us what we want: WIPO - now available on a roll!".

* Lewis Hands (Handsome I.P. Ltd) analyses the logo as follows: "It's a fence, showing that intellectual property rights are protected by laws and treaties. Unfortunately, it is only a section of fence which means anyone with enough tenacity can get around it! It is also reminiscent of the Greek national flag, and as everyone knows, the Greek nation, as represented by their government, is a model of financial control".

* Finally we hear from Christopher Gibbs (Haseltine Lake LLP): "
The logo was chosen to reprint a plethora of themes intimately connected with IP. First there is the CD rack, drawing attention to the importance of copyright in the constellation of IP rights. Note that the sweeping curves also imply transience, as the carrier becomes outmoded, but the content remains. Then there is the brand, so redolent of wiping things clean, which the sweeping curves portray so effectively. Here a strong brand wipes away confusion. And finally the toast rack, a simple yet effective invention, and recalling the motto that if you build a better toast rack, the mouse will beat a path to your door. These themes are woven together by the layout, where the WIPO name protruding to the left exactly captures the organisation's commitment to helping the IP underdog all over the world".
So who wins the coveted prize? The IPKat has thought long and hard over this, but has decided to go for Christopher Gibbs' entry this time (with an honourable mention to Graham Titley ...). Well done, Christopher -- the one-year JIPLP sub is yours. Merpel says, I'm still trying to work out that bit about the mouse beating a path to your door. Tufty says, it's a jokey allusion to an old adage, allegedly coined by Ralph Waldo Emerson: click here for more. Now it's the IPKat's turn to be confused: isn't it the cat that's supposed to be in the adage, not the mouse?

The IPKat's IP Dream Team competition (details here) was problematic, since a number of people had some good suggestions for individual players but it proved much too difficult for most competitors to name an entire team.

Right: safe in the knowledge that his contract to manage the England team has been extended to 2012, Fabio Capello has come up with some even more baffling inclusions in the national squad.

Anyway, this little competition was won by Matthew Johnson and Stuart Lumsden (D. Young & Co), whose team of intellectual property footballing giants was as follows:
Goalkeeper: Chris Woods [not could]

Defence: Spencer Prior [art],
[Problem and] Sol Campbell,
Emanuel E-Bo-A

Midfield: Emanuel Petit-[ion for review],
Lother [Added] Matthaus,
FRAND Lampard,
OHIM Hargreaves

Strikers: Karim BenzITMA,
Rudi Voller-[tary Divisional Application],
Arjen Robben [Jacob]

Manager: Giovanni [Art.123(2)/123(3) Trap]-patoni

Substitutes: Miroslav Klose-[st prior art], Gennaro Gat [v. LuK]-tuso, Ian [Copy-] Wright
The IPKat thought this a pretty good, indeed quite groan-worthy, attempt and is pleased to send them the prize -- a handsome volume of OUP's Working Within the Boundaries of Intellectual Property: Innovation Policy For The Knowledge Society, edited by Rochelle C. Dreyfuss, Diane L. Zimmerman and Harry First (book details here).