A menu fit for a ... patent attorney

The IPKat is launching some new competitions this month. The first is in honour of this year's Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys' (CIPA) Congress, IP in the New Decade, which takes place in the capacious yet comfy surroundings of the Lancaster Hotel, London on 30 September and 1 October. The prize for this competition is complimentary registration to this premier event -- giving you a wonderful opportunity to rub shoulders with speakers and dignitaries, patent attorneys, IP administrators and those friendly folk who are trained to tempt you to take just one more canapé ...

The competition is very simple. A much-appreciated feature of the programme each year is the Gala Dinner. Your task is to compose a full menu for this sumptuous banquet which consists entirely of items -- real or imaginary -- which are appropriate fare for the patent profession. Entries should be received by close of play on Friday 17 September. Please email your creative output to the IPKat here, with the subject line "Tasty Patent Menu". The best entries [says Merpel, are you sure you don't mean 'entrées'?] will be published on this weblog when the identity of the winner is announced.

More information on the CIPA Congress here; full programme details here; favourite canapés here.

The IPKat's next competition will be offering complimentary admission to this year's Handbags at Dawn: IP and Fashion conference (conference programme here). Watch this space for further details.