For those who read this weblog religiously ...

This weblog doesn't have a regular religious column, and doesn't intend to start one now. But every so often the Kats are concerned with religious topics -- two of which are mentioned here.

Several readers have sent links to this story about giant electronics retailer Best Buy, which is threatening to sue Fond du Lac (Wisconsin) priest Reverend Luke Strand. The bone of contention here is Reverend Strand's "God Squad" Volkswagen Beetle which, says Best Buy, sports a logo on the clergyman's Volkswagen Beetle which is identical to its own "Geek Squad" design. Reverend Strand has stopped using the logo, following receipt of a cease-and-desist order. As usual, the news reports can't make up their minds if this is a copyright matter or a trade mark dispute.

"Geek Squad" is a Best Buy subsidiary which sells computer-related services to customers. It's known for its use of a black Volkswagen Beetle with a catchy sticker logo on its front door. Said a spokesman for the church: "They feel that the shape and the font of the logo and the fact that it's on the Volkswagen bug causes confusion with their Geek Squad", adding that the minister had "driven the 'God Squad' around Fond du Lac for a "number of years" as a "creative way to bring God to the streets." The IPKat thinks he has just seen the light, recalling that his own car has a Rev counter ...

The second story concerns Richard Taylor (joint UK head of patents in law firm DLA Piper's Intellectual Property and Technology Group and, for his sins, the IP/IT columnist for the famously unread Law Society Gazette). Richard confesses that, in his spare time, as is appropriate for someone with an interest in trade marks, he has an interest in art and symbolism. He explains:
"A few years ago I wrote a book on symbolism and imagery in churches, called How To Read A Church. The book inspired a BBC TV series, called "Churches: How To Read Them", which I wrote and am presenting. The series starts next Wednesday, 1 September, 8.30pm on BBC4. It consists of six episodes, so running on Wednesdays through September and the first couple of weeks of October. Here's the trailer, which is quite fun".
The IPKat, who understands that the publicity folk are making a lot of the "IP specialist-turned-presenter thing", is sure that readers will find this quite in-spire-ing.