Friday fantasies

Friday, Friday
Make it my day
To check on the site
For things that I might
Never find out
Anything about.

Sidebar, Sidebar
Best place by far!
The conference list
Should never be missed.
Will I see you there?
Oh yes, if you dare.
The IPKat's legendary side bar, listing forthcoming seminars, conferences, talks and other IP events, can be found on the left side of the weblog's front page. Do check it out! [Illustration from Desicomments]

Oxford University Press is looking for intellectual property practitioners to populate an advisory panel which it's setting up in order to get a better feel of what it is that practitioners need in terms of publications and the delivery of relevant information. You don't have to be working in the UK/US, or in private practice, to volunteer -- and there's a £300 OUP book giveaway for those selected for the panel. Further details here.

The decision in the vacuum cleaner battle between Dyson and Vax (noted on Class 99 here), which went public before the full judgment became available, is now posted on BAILII. You can read this exciting design infringement action in full here.

Peter Groves' latest Ipso jure podcast, still free (unless you are a solicitor claiming CPD points), is available here. It's packed with news and analysis of recent big cases -- including the Dyson v Vax dispute mentioned above and Schlumberger v EMGS, noted by the IPKat here. It's worth an hour and a half, Peter tells me.

If you hail from Singapore and take an active interest in trade marks, you might want to take a look at The Trade Marks Act: a Commentary, the second volume in the LexisNexis Annotated Statutes of Singapore (web page here). Edited by the IPKat's friend M. (as in James Bond's boss, also "Ravi") Ravindran, this book focuses on local practice, policy and case law in relation to trade marks in Singapore. Primary and subordinate legislation is dealt with, as well as the IPOS Trade Marks Work Manual (the Bible but, like all Bibles, it requires some degree of explanation and interpretation before you get the hang of it). If this weren't enough, you can also find detailed and extensive coverage on both local and international case law. Some statistics for nerds: since this title's first edition, there have been a total of 11 Court of Appeal cases, 38 High Court cases, 15 Subordinate Court cases and 122 IPOS decisions. So now you know. Oh, and if you ever find Ravi's real first name, which has been lost from his firm's ipravi website (among other places) for some while, do return it to him in good condition ...