Google's Net Neutrality Plan

In my "Power of Google" post I talked briefly about Google's net neutrality proposal they wrote up with Verizon. Recently, Google defended all of the negative criticism they have been receiving over this plan:

To which I can only respond, Google you have failed me. The "myth" that Google has “sold out” on network neutrality, is a myth only because Google hasn't enacted these plans yet. But believe me, Google is trying to sell out! Google IS posing legislator to create privatized networks (AKA tiered services!) for a differentiated price!! That is clearly them changing their stance for financial gain (AKA selling out)!

Or what about the "myth" that this proposal represents a step backwards for the open Internet? Again, not really a myth when your proposal HAS plans for a privatized network in it. Clearly privatized and open are two different things, so what I don't get is, why does Google continue to lie to me?? By presenting information as "Myths" and then backing these claims up with "facts" that, more often than not, dodge the real point at hand only shows how Google is now trying to add a propaganda aspect to this entire proposal.

They are trying to persuade the savvy Internet user's out there that their intentions are for the end user, when clearly their intention is to create some kind of legislator that benefits corporations as much as it benefits the end user. This article by PC world properly portrays Google's full motives: Now, this does raise the question, are the intentions behind these proposals self serving, or truly for the people? To which I can say with much confidence, just by seeing how Google responded with propaganda to Internet users' initial reaction, that the true intent of this proposal is NOT for the people.

I think this quote best sums it all up, "As to Google selling out...of course they did. There is absolutely no way that the creation of a private Internet is in the interest of net is clearly the exact opposite; by definition, they are creating a new tier. The "do not regulate wireless" is clearly an attempt by Google to capitalize on their new relationship with Verizon Wireless."

So make up your own mind about the information giant, Google. But please, don't let them make our laws.