IPKat event: "How to write an effective IP press release"

Last week an exasperated IPKat decided that there was definitely a need for a "How to write an effective IP press release" seminar, and team member Jeremy said he'd be willing to put one on if there was sufficient interest (see here). The initial response has been so positive that he has set aside two dates for these little courses: Tuesday 7 September and Tuesday 5 October. Both will be held in Central London, the 7 September seminar being kindly hosted by law firm Collyer Bristow in Central London (keen news-hounds will already have spotted that Annsley the AmeriKat starts at Collyer Bristow the day before). Each of the two scheduled seminars goes from 4.30pm to 6.30pm (registration from 4pm).

Right: King John never enjoyed drafting by committee

Confirmation of the venue for the 5 October is awaited. Incidentally, if a critical mass of at least ten people from outside London can get together and sort out a date and a venue at their end, Jeremy's prepared to travel to them in and run seminars outside the Metropolis.

A reminder: the seminar will look at the aims of a press release and how to identify them; providing the right information; expressing it clearly; targeting recipients and monitoring responses. There will also be a ‘take-away exercise’ for homework, which registrants can do once they've attended the seminar. These will be marked and returned.

Left: Are your press releases the last word ...?

The registration fee is £100 plus VAT at 17.5% per person ,making a total of £117.50. To reduce paperwork, the Kat prefers participants to bring payment with them [cheques payable to "J. J. Phillips, please]. In return, he'll issue them with a receipted invoice on the spot (though anyone who really wants an invoice ahead of the event can have one).

If you want to attend, email Jeremy here and tell him, with the email subject line "IP Press Release".