Thoughts and Strategies Regarding Cyber Warfare

Greetings web crawlers :] A great American once said, "If we desire to avoid insult, we must be able to repel it; if we desire to secure peace, one of the most powerful instruments of our rising prosperity, it must be known, that we are at all times ready for War. " A very true, and chilling statement. The more I have been reading about DNS Hijacking, Botnet Proliferation, and the training of National Hacker Cells, the more I question our current state of readiness. In this coming age, with strong National or corporate motives fueling decentralized cyber warriors, or funding large cyber war machines ('hackernets', or 'war servers'), we must have both defensive and counter-attack (offensive) measures in place. I'm not a war monger, I do not promote destruction, but I do understand the value of deterrence; how a big stick and stern approach can prevent a fight from ever taking place to begin with. What do I suggest then?? Well, a two part strategy. First we need to redefine laws and protocols. This means rewriting articles governing cyber warfare, rewriting laws involving large groups of hackers and targeted attacks (to defend both our government and corporate interests), and most importantly redefine and unifying our cyber security protocols across all vital support systems. This means securing and testing our own national communication, transportation, energy, agricultural and commerce systems. We need to take security very seriously in the coming months, in preparation of some major moves by some big players. The second strategy I offer, is more offensive. In this plan, we will gather much information on many cells, attempt to backdoor many botnets, and profile as much DNS traffic as we can. From here, we need to set up a cyber warfare incident response team. Preferably many cells, specialized at responding to different areas. These cells should be set up as soon as possible, if they do not already exist. These teams need to capture and punish offenders now, to gain valuable experience and show we are ready! These need to have both Cyber, and Physical counterparts that cooperatively strike as one force, a unified body and mind. We must spread the understanding that we are ready to respond to a threat, that we are aware and vigilant, but we must not come off as threatening. This is the response team. This is the swift strike from the heavens to answer any challenging force, not a pre-emptive strike into the dark. These teams should work along with American based hacker cells, and use their knowledge and networks as our own! Their resources could prove an invaluable intelligence network and we could mutually benefit, as they provide us information we could push for laws regarding net-neutrality, in a win / win situation. Defense should be our prime motivation, to build an unshakable fortress. We don't want to scare others into making the first move, but we must be prepared for the first move. And as always, gorilla warfare tactics rule. If we allocate too many resources into a single location, too much of a definable position, it will be swept from under us. We must use the strengths of the Internet to our advantage, stay decentralized, use available information, and capitalize on our opponents weak points. I stand ready to defend our progress thus far, and I walk forward ready to make more progress in the name of peace and security. I will end this post with one more quote, and I hope you all heed it well, "One ought never to turn one's back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half. Never run away from anything. Never! "