Tuesday tiddleywinks

There's still just about time to book for the first of the IPKat's two "How to Write an Effective IP Press Release" seminars, since it takes place on Tuesday 7 September at the Holborn offices of Collyer Bristow (if you can't attend this one, the second takes place on Tuesday 5 October at the Holborn offices of Olswang LLP). All are welcome: those who write IP press releases (whether for government, industry and commerce or private practice) as well as those who sign them off. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided. For further details, click here.

The IPKat's friend Aaron Wood is looking for a patent specialist to be a co-presenter in a series of seminars and workshops on which he is working. The ideal candidate should be experienced in presenting (or be willing to get experienced) and be comfortable presenting seminars, giving workshops and leading/facilitating group activities and panels (or be keen to learn!). If this is of interest please email Aaron here with the subject line "Co-Presenting"."

Competitions in progress. This coming Sunday, 5 September, is the closing date for the "Must-Have IP Accessory" competition, for which the prize is complimentary admission to the IP and Fashion: Handbags at Dawn conference on 21 September (details of competition and link to conference here). The closing date for the "CIPA Menu" competition, for which the prize is complimentary admission to this year's CIPA Congress (details of competition and link to Congress here) is 17 September. A third competition, IP Finance's "IP begging email" effort, closes on Sunday 3 October: the prize is admission to this year's IP and Finance conference on 20 October (you can see the competition and programme details here).

Have you been keeping an eye on the latest developments regarding procedural reform of the Patents County Court for England and Wales? If not, you are probably in the majority. But don't worry, patent attorney and professor Paul Cole has written a very useful and timely piece on PatLit here. If you're thinking of embarking upon a little course of patent litigation, read this first!