Windows Live Writer 2011 Beta

Last year, I posted a message about Windows Live Writer for blog Authoring and I mentioned that I had heard a rumour that Live Writer would soon have the Office ribbon UI. Well the future is now.

The Windows Live Writer 2011 Beta is out and it does indeed have the ribbon interface.


I’ve only written one post so far (this one), but I really am happy to see that ribbon. I have to say though that a couple of things seem to be missing in this Beta. For example, pasting in a picture from the clipboard isn’t working for me (I use that all the time), so I had to use the ribbon Insert option. Also, I don’t see the Format Painter. I dig the Format Painter.

You can read my original Live Writer post if you’re curious why I choose to use this great app. But the short list is: access to multiple blog accounts, easy editing and image handling with my FTP server and having the power of a rich-client.