CIPA Gala Dinner menu: Grubb's up!

Friday marked the closing date for entries to the competition to select the menu for the Gala Dinner which the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) will shortly be holding as the centrepiece of this year's Congress (click here for programme details: you may still have the chance to register!).  The IPKat received many emails on the subject, some offering a single course (happily, humble pie was not mentioned) and one offering practical tips on how to dispose of the diners' bodies afterwards.

One entry (should that be entrée?) was so much better than the rest that it would be invidious to publish the runners-up, and that -- appropriately given the surname of the successful entrant -- came from the ever-fertile pen of Philip Grubb. The winning menu runs as follows:
Claim chowder

Pith and marrow bone

Pozzoli con festo

Lammy cutlets with broccoli and tomatoes

Cheese board
Kort geding (NL)
Swiss-type (CH)
Saisie (FR)

Apple® pie à la best mode

Free beer
Cassis de Dijon
Congratulations, Philip, says the IPKat.  You have won the prize -- complimentary registration for this year's Congress.