More on plagiarism

Further to IPKat team member Neil's post earlier today (here), and seeing as the weekend is almost upon us, here are some enjoyable themes for readers to contemplate.

1. Tom Lehrer's classic song 'Plagiarize' (you can listen here or read the lyrics here), summoned up from the depths of Tony McStea's memory, which contains the obviously relevant verse
Let no one else's work evade your eyes
Remember why the good Lord made your eyes
So don't shade your eyes
But plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize
Only be sure always to call it please "research".
2. UniBergen's 5 minute masterpiece Et Plagieringseventyr (which you can watch here), drawn to the Kats' attention by University of Plymouth librarian and copyright guru Graham Titley.

3 In Praise of Plagiarism. Team member Jeremy has additionally unearthed In Praise of Plagiarism by Russell A. Hunt (St. Thomas University), which bears a notice that reads, "in-process draft, based on oral presentation. Please cite or quote from one of the published versions". Hmm.