Guest Post by MJ Logan: Personal Websites

Few businesses would deny the advantage of having a website and for most, it is not just an advantage but a necessity. Potential customers often search the web to find companies or individuals before looking anywhere else. A business website can provide potential customers with insight about the person or company they might be doing business with. Personal websites for freelancers are no different.

A personal website should be carefully constructed to maximize search engine ranking. Research keywords using Google’s Adsense Keyword Tool, not for placement of advertising, but to improve ranking. Add content based on the freelancer’s profession--content should focus on writing if the freelancer is a writer, or website design if they are a website developer. Ideally, the site should use Search Engine Friendly URLs that utilize keywords for each page. Also include links to other freelancers who will link back to the site. Never use the “nofollow” tag and ask other sites to do the same when linking to the freelancer site.
Professional freelancers will get the most impact by purchasing a domain name and building a site using a minimal hosting plan. The domain name should be one that gives a clue to the freelancers name and profession. Once a domain is purchased, select a hosting plan and create an email address. Don’t use the so-called “free websites” so many companies offer. Advertising placed by these companies can lead potential clients astray or advertise competitors.

The domain and the accompanying email is The domain name makes it fairly clear that MJ Logan is a writer and has a website about his writing. Anyone who sees the email address or the domain knows this. Anyone who visits that site will see this is true. If you can remember the name, you will probably be able to find MJ Logan on the web.

Freelancers need a way to showcase their work and provide links to it. A personal website that does exactly this should not be expensive and most of the work can be done by the freelancer themselves. They provide a biography, resume, sample work, URLs to other sites they want linked to, and links to work they showcase online. The developer can do the rest, probably in a few hours. The site should be crisp, unique and very easy to navigate. If you’re a freelancer, consider an inexpensive but effective website to show off your accomplishments.

MJ Logan is a freelance writer and website developer. You can find him on the web at mjloganwriter, email him at or find his personal website services at 21stcenturyweb.