HOWTO : Wireless Router connects to Wired Router

*** This tutorial is written on July 16, 2007 by me. I repost it here for reference. The origianl tutorial is here. ***

I have a wired and a wireless routers. I connect them together to make them looking as one router. Then, I can access all the computers within the same intranet.

Router A (connect to the internet)

Step 1 :

I assigned the wired router to be router A which is connected to the internet directly. I did nothing on the Router A. The LAN IP is

Router B (connect to the Router A)

Step 2 :

I assigned the wireless router to be Router B and I should change the settings of it.


Set the WAN IP to be static, subnet mask is and gateway is, no matter your Router B is wired or wireless. For me, Router B is a wireless. (You can change the WAN IP and gateway to meet your requirement, here is only an example)


Disabled DHCP and set the LAN IP to, subnet mask is, no matter your Router B is wired or wireless. (You can change the LAN IP to meet your requirement, here is only an example)

Step 3 :

Connect Router A and Router B via a cable on LAN ports only. WAN port will not be used at the Router B. Connect Router A to the internet as normal. Now, you can access Router A by and Router B by via your browser. Any computer or laptop will be assigned an IP of 192.168.0.XXX.

That’s all! See you.