
This weblog regrets to inform readers of the sad death yesterday of Muffin, who had been unwell for some months. An elderly cat even when she joined the Phillips family in June 2003 from an institution for unwanted felines, she valued her privacy and rarely took the limelight.  She treasured the small pleasures of life such as sleeping in the garden's sunny patches, digging in the newly-cleaned litter tray and keeping vigil at the front window when her owners were expected home.

It was at the very point at which discussion of the naming of this weblog was in progress that the arrival of Muffin in a wicker basket prompted the suggestion that the blog be called the "IP Cat", which soon metamorphosed into the IPKat.

Muffin had few close friends and never married.

No letters of condolence or flowers, please.  Requies-kat in pace ...