Thoughts on Analysis, Information Sharing, and Presentations

Since June of this year, I've attended a couple of conferences, not only presenting but also attending several presentations. As with any conference, presentations tend to vary with the background and experience of the author. By experience, I don't so much mean with the experience the author has in the topic they're presenting on, but more so with developing presentations specific to the audience, public speaking, etc.

One of the questions I ask myself when both creating and giving a presentation, as well as attending one, is "how is this immediately valuable and useful to me?" Often times, we attend a presentation that may have some great information, but the question then becomes, okay, but how to I use this? How do I most quickly/immediately turn this information around and use it on a case or examination?

I'm sure that a lot of other folks feel the same way, particularly after having talked about this very subject after a presentation or discussion. I've also seen this enough to add this sort of approach to my books, starting with WFA 2/e and progressing even more so into Windows Registry Forensics. With a lot of what's going on in our community, it's vitally important that analysts be able to get up from a presentation or talk, and be able to put what they've learned in a technical presentation or lab into practice. If that isn't the case...what's the point?

This is critically important when you're talking about analysis techniques, which is particularly where we need to innovate. Data is always going to be data, and it's always going to be there. There's been discussion about triaging systems, due in part to the massive increases in storage and the amount of time it takes to acquire and analyze all of that (especially acquire). So whether you're talking about browser forensics or

Innovation in Analysis
How many folks out there use RegRipper? How about using RegRipper for malware detection or analysis? Seriously.

Bear with me on probably wouldn't occur to most folks to use something like RegRipper for malware detection, looking into an acquired image, or a system accessed via F-Response. However, I (and others) have used this approach time and again to our benefit.

Consider Conficker. Microsoft cites five variants. In each case, when the next variant first came on the scene, the executable file was not detected by most commercial AV tools. However, there were some consistencies across the malware family, including not just artifacts (ie, disabling system functionality) but also in the persistence mechanism.

I had the distinct honor of reviewing on of the chapters for the new book, The Malware Analyst's Cookbook, and in that chapter, the use of RegRipper was discussed. MHL and his co-authors had written several plugins for use in their work (included in the book) and to be honest, they were innovative.

Okay, so you're probably looking at this so far and thinking, yeah, but that's for malware you know about. Okay, sure, I can go with that. But here's the deal...while you may not have seen all malware, or at least a great deal of it, but what are the chances that within a large group or community of forensic and malware analysts, a LOT of malware has been seen and analyzed? Of those, their artifacts and persistence mechanisms will likely have been identified (Zeus, or ZBot falls into this category) and be worthy of a plugin.

Consider malware based on PoisonIvy. Yes, it's polymorphic, which for most of us, is going to mean that AV scanners are going to have minimal effect in detecting this stuff. However, keep in mind the four characteristics of malware...the persistence mechanism is an example of Jesse Kornblum's "rootkit paradox"; in short, most malware will want to run, but will also want to remain persistent. As it turns out, PoisonIvy isn't the only malware that uses the Registry Installed Components as the persistence mechanism.

Institutional Knowledge
How many of us use the institutional knowledge developed on previous cases/engagements on any new analysis that comes in? Most of us are going to raise our hands and say, "I do that all the time."

Now, how many of us make use of the institutional knowledge developed by other analysts, such as other team members?

Tools like RegRipper (and pretty much any tool that has some level of extensibility, including EnCase and ProDiscover) provide for sharing of institutional knowledge, but only insofar as that institutional knowledge is documented.

So What?
I'm sad to say that not all of us will ever see everything, particularly when it comes to IR and digital forensics analysis. For myself, I know that I haven't seen everything...I've seen some things several times, I've been on engagements that never where, but I haven't seen everything. Expand this to include any 5, 10, 50, or 500 analysts you want, and while it may seem that across all of us, we've seen a lot, the question then much of that have we shared with others, or each other.

The issues the community faces are not going away. Increases in things like storage space, sophistication and proliferation of malware and compromises/intrusions, AV scanners becoming less and less of a reliable resource, to name a few. I think that most of us are familiar with these issues. So what do we do about all these?

Ovie's on a roll...don't miss the new CyberSpeak podcast! Ovie has an interview regarding triaging about timely! ;-)