Chestnuts, hyperlinks and a happy ending

The Kat heaves a sigh of relief.
Now he'll never lose his cool
when searching for Regulations
on the latest Protected
Geographical Indications
Who says it never pays to complain? Only a few short, chilly days ago, in the snowy fastness of the North West London cubbyhole which doubles as his office, IPKat team member Jeremy wailed as only a Kat in distress can wail about the pitiful lack of hyperlinks on Regulations and other documents published on the website of the Official Journal of the European Union. You can read the Kat's lament, complete with chestnut illustrations, here.

But now the Kat is positively purring with pleasure, for one of his readers has done something rare and wonderful. He has done something to solve the problem. The Kat's saviour is one of a number of David Sants, it appears, so if you see anyone you know called David Sant and you want to congratulate him for his efforts and treat him to a pint of Badger or an Old Speckled Hen, check you've got the right one before you open your wallet.  Anyway, this David Sant writes
"Saddened by the IPKat's distressed post about chestnuts, Europe and the lack of hyperlinks between related documents, I have something to offer which may help to ease the frustration.

I have the same frustration with Eur-Lex when browsing Regs and Directives. OPSI [that's the Office of Public Sector Information in the UK] seems to have gone all web 2.0 recently, but no sign of Eur-Lex making any similar moves, so I've hacked up a proxy which is cutting down my research time (a bit, anyway).

If you go to you should see the very same Reg 1108/2010 referred to in the IPKat's post, but with hyperlinks displayed to the related and referenced documents.
There is also an experimental PDF version in progress at:"
David says to all readers, "please let me know what you think".  You can do so by emailing him here.