Detect FireSheep on your Network with Blacksheep

Recently I wrote about Firesheep a firefox plugin in my post Firesheep makes Facebook Hacking easy which uses a sidejacking or session Hijacking attack to acess a Facebook account on a Wifi network, In this tutorial I will tell about an awesome Firefox addon which can be used to detect firesheep on your network to keep it safe, The addon I am talking about is known as "Blacksheep" its code is almost similar to the one for firesheep but the only difference is that it is used for security purposes

If some one is using Firesheep on your network you can detect it easily with blacksheep, It pops an image like below if some one is using a firesheep on your network

Note:Blacksheep wont protect sidejacking or session hijacking done by firesheep it can just detect if some one is using firesheep on your network

How to install and use blacksheep?

Here is a video which shows how to use Blacksheep to detect firesheep on your network: