Linux VS Windows

Most of us are still using windows operating system like some people uses windows XP,7 or vista. As you are interested in the field of IT security(hacking), so you should have heard about linux and its features, in this article we will discuss about linux vs windows.



  • Microsoft windows is not free, windows can run between $50-$150.
  • Microsoft windows is user friendly and ease to use, several GUI, or "Skid" programs.
  • Microsoft windows has made several improvement on reliability.
  • If we are talking about security on windows than Microsoft  has made great improvement but still their operating system most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks.
  • Microsoft windows is not open source.


  • Linux is an open source project. As they say, it is free.
  • Linux is ease to use but if you are a new computer user(s) than windows is good to start.
  • Majority of the Linux are more reliable than windows, you can run for the months and year without rebooting.
  • Linux is a very secure operating system, viruses,spyware and adware does not affect a linux based operating system.
  • If you want to learn programming, Linux is the best for you. Linux distributions come with many compilers and other tools to write and execute code.

Its just a comparison now you have to decide about your operating system.
You can run Linux along with Windows on a different partition. You can boot to Windows wherever you want. It is also possible to run Linux in Windows using emulator software like VMWare or MS Virtual PC. Likewise, it is also possible to run Windows applications in Linux using emulators like Wine (This Wine is different!).


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