Public domain donors wanted!

We know all about blood donors, those excellent people who give their plasma, plus a selection of interesting corpuscles and other matter, for the good of those in need of a fresh infusion of the red stuff.   There are also organ donors. In fact, many a fine fellow whom you meet at The Old Nick on an afternoon might well be composed of spare parts stitched together from kind donors, if you watch how they weave their way away from that fine hostelry after an evening's serious discussion of legal topics over a pint of Badger.  But only recently has the IPKat discovered the concept of the public domain donor.

The idea is enchantingly simple.  Explains Evan Roth:
"Why let all of your ideas die with you? Current copyright law prevents anyone from building upon your creativity for 70 years after your death. Live on in collaboration with others. Make an intellectual property donation. By donating your IP into the public domain you will "promote the progress of science and useful arts" (U.S. Constitution). Ensure that your creativity will live on after you are gone, make a donation today".
At least two members of the IPKat team plan to be at The Old Nick Thursday afternoon, 5 till 6pm, if you want to say hi.  All donations gratefully received.  And if the kind person who sent the Kat the link will email him and remind him of his/her identity, the donation of the link will be gratefully acknowledged too.