Android 3.0 - Honeycomb

Greetings readers!! Two days ago, Xavier Ducrohet, Android's SDK tech lead blogged a sneak peak at the next Android OS, Honeycomb. This development in the Android software chain looks amazing! This is just what Android needed: a higher performing UI (with an advanced graphics engine running Renderscript, for 3D capabilities) which is scalable to tablet devices as well as mobile phones (current tablet operating systems just feel like over sized smart phones to me, this will make it feel more like a computer), the ability to support multi-core processing (which will be more than helpful with Android's app abilities), and my personal favorite: new administrator security and encrypted storage options. ZDnet get's a first hand look, and gives a nice review, but I think the screen shots say it all folks. This is going to be a milestone OS people! So don't miss being one of the first developers to market, and make sure to read my next few posts, where I will detail how to get your own Android software development started.