App Inventor

Welcome back web crawlers! Today, I am showing you a fascinating new application from Google Labs: App Inventor for Android! App Inventor is an amazing in-browser application, that lets you quickly produce fully functional Android programmes. It uses a C# based graphic form construction, that allows the user to quickly generate XML sheets (WAAAY EASIER THAN IT SOUNDS). You also need to download and install this backend component to be able to edit the Java. The interface for the java is stunning, it uses a GUI puzzle-piece set to assemble the logic, very Lego Mind-Storms based. You will also need your phone's driver or an emulator. THATS IT!! The rest of development all takes place in your browser! This is by far the easiest method of developing for Android I have come across. So get out there, start making your own apps, and make a profit! If you really want to tweak your code, I suggest you get the Eclipse IDE, and the Android SDKs as well. Good Luck readers! And be sure to check LockBoxx often for a sneak-peak at some our up and coming apps :D