ASUS launches ABC - ASUS Business Connect


ASUS launches ABC - ASUS Business Connect

ASUS has launched the most unique and innovative partner communication programme in India - ABC - ASUS Business Connect. ABC is a step to further facilitate smooth communication between the company and its channel partners. ASUS will set up units of its Videophone Touch AiGuru SV1T, the world's First PC-Free, touch-enabled Skype videophone in 324 partner locations across the country to help partner communicate directly with ASUS Head Office in Mumbai, in the most effective way possible.

In the first phase, ASUS will be making an investment of 5.1 million towards the devices and target its top 324 ASUS Elite Club Partners in the C, D and E Class cities. With the launch of this initiative, partners can now reach ASUS directly, one-to-one and face-to- face from the comfort of their own offices. Partners frequently face issues with product updates, service issues and availability related queries and with the launch of this initiative, ASUS hopes to address these needs of partners. Partners can now get real-time updates of any issues, clarify their service related queries and touch base with the ASUS product team for updates.

In order to highlight their commitment to this initiative, ASUS has installed the first device in Siliguri and Albert Tung, Managing Director, ASUS (India), was present to help take this first step in improving communication with the partners.

Explained Albert Tung, "Communication is the key to the success of any relationship - personal or professional - and ABC is our step to initiate this communication with our valued partners. We encourage them to utilize this platform to get in touch with us for any issues, queries and feedback that they may have regarding our products or services. It is an initiative that will only be successful with the support of our partners as communication is always a two-way process."

The ASUS Videophone Touch AiGuru SV1T, which was previously not available in India, is the world's First PC-Free, touch-enabled Skype videophone. It is truly revolutionary as it allows you to make unlimited video Skype calls conveniently and quickly without a computer or additional hardware and software. Its large 7" touchscreen, built-in camera and speaker guarantee a great audio-visual experience. It also features a full screen, touch-friendly and icon-based interface which makes it really easy to use.