Droid Apps

For starters, this is not going to be another "Angry Birds" post. Personally, I prefer more constructive games anyway, like "Spaghetti Marshmallows" or "Droid Rider". This post is going to deal with productivity and life enhancing apps. So fundamentally, everyone should have "Gmail", and an account. Next, "Talk" is a really great app that allows you to instantly communicate to all you Gmail contacts over the web. If you enjoy GoogleReader, I find "D7 Reader" to have the nicest Droid interface, and if you get it, make sure to subscribe to Lockboxx. And if you publish your own blog, you can follow suit and use "Blogger-droid", which I am using right now. Some other core apps you should consider: the ever useful Google "Maps", and "Yelp", to help you find you way around this world. Also "Google Sky Map" is really cool if you find yourself stargazing at night, or "Movies" if you want to look up reviews and show times. For communication, I like to use "Tickle" for instant walky-talky action, or "Tango" to video chat for some solid face time. If your friends are nearby, you can use "Blue tooth file transfer" to exchange songs or photos, or you can use "Easy Tether" to set up an ad-hoc wireless network for everyone around. Or if you are constantly grabbing other's wi-fi, you can use "Network Info II" to get all the juicy details. One of my favorite apps ever is "Phone my PC" which allows for quick and easy remote desktop. If your an entrepreneur, "Square" might just be for you, which allows debit and credit transactions on your smartphone (requires card reader hardware). Last, but certainly not least, "Catch Notes" creates a widget for quick note taking right on your home screen!! This is great for those little 'remember me' kind of things, but for a full on planer, I use "Calender" for appointments. Please comment with your favorite Droid apps, or feel free to discuss the ones I already mentioned!
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