Review My Blog & Get A Free Linkback

Recently RHA(Rafay Hacking Articles) showed tremendous increase in traffic and daily traffic has reached to almost 10000 unique visitors per day plus RHA has became a PR 4 blog too, As a result of which I was getting lots of request for link exchanges from site owners, The minimum requirement for a Link exchange is this blog is a Page rank 3 website,so as a result of which the lower PR websites could not exchange links, but I have a perfect solution for webmasters with lower Page rank or with no page rank

The concept is simple - review my blog and I'll link to you. The review must be at least 200 words long and you have to include a link to the blog home page and this post, Also state what you like and don't like about the site, It does not matter if the review is in English or your blog/website is covers other categories, I will accept all reviews

Your Link will be placed on the following page:

  • Minimum PR 1 or If you blog has no page rank it should have atleast 200 daily unique visitors
  • Review should be atleast 200 words
  • You have to include a link to the blog home page and this post
Best Review wins a copy of My Book

Yes the best review wins a copy of my book "A Beginners Guide To Ethical Hacking" along with all bonuses


Winners Announced here