Steps To Make Your Linux Boot Faster

Here are the steps that can make your Linux system boot faster. I did this on my friends pc which has 512 RAM , an Intel dual core processor with RHEL5.1.

Step 1 :
Decide on the unnecessary services and stop them. I stopped these using the following commands :

chkconfig ip6tables off
chkconfig setroubleshoot off
chkconfig vmware off
chkconfig bluetooth off
chkconfig sendmail off
chkconfig yum-updatesd off

Step 2 :
If the loop-back device is not needed, stop it to save 1 second . Add
ONBOOT=no in its ifcfg file.

Step 3 :

  • Kill all splash screens,
  • Grub splash (the line that has 'splash image' should be commented in grub.conf),
  • Boot splash (edit/ etc/ sysconfig/ init and say No color there) and
  • KDE splash (goto the control center and stop it ).

My kernel has lots of unnecessary modules that get loaded when 1 starts the machine . I use only the Ethernet but still the kernel loads the wireless, Blue tooth and router related modules. Disable them or recompile the kernel.

This  should save you more than 30 seconds each time u boot your machine. You can tweak your system as per your requirements and save some boot time. !!!

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