Changes to the EPO website are afoot

While perusing the EPO's website this morning, this particular Kat came across a link to the new and improved beta version of the EPO's offerings (here: Curiosity got the better of him and he then spent a good few minutes exploring the world though the looking-glass (time, it has to be said, that would probably have been better spent dealing with one of the many other things that are piling up on his desk, but never mind...) .

The EPO's own press release explains:

"The EPO is pleased to announce the launch of the beta version of our new website. We have restructured and redesigned the site to enhance the experience for professionals, business partners and regular users.

The changes include the integration of information related to EPO Online Services. Although they are not part of this beta version, EP Espacenet and the European Patent Register (formerly Register Plus) are also being redesigned and will be part of the final relaunch.

We have also implemented a new structure, design, navigation system and search functions, in an effort to improve access to key tools and information. These new features and improvements are based on extensive surveys, tests and other user feedback.

We invite you to explore the beta website - - and welcome your valuable feedback. Please send your comments to

As we are still in the process of migrating and reorganising content, please continue to check the current website - - for official information and the latest news and announcements."
To this Kat's eyes, the site is a marked improvement. Links are more clearly labelled, and navigation more intuitive than is possible under the current incarnation. The EPO welcomes feedback, so hit up the source link and let them know what you think.