First Shipment of GIGABYTE 6 Series Motherboards Sold Out


First Shipment of GIGABYTE 6 Series Motherboards Sold Out

GIGABYTE Technology India has launched its 6 Series motherboards, based on the Intel P67 and H67 Express Chipsets, was a runaway success as the initial shipment of 300 units was sold out within a week of being available.

There has been an exceptional demand for the GIGABYTE motherboards for the new 2nd generation Intel Core processors (aka Sandy Bridge) that integrate Intel's best graphics chip technology to date directly onto the Central Processing Unit (CPU), not only from metro cities, but also from the upcountry markets across the country. This has prompted the company to increase the number of units for subsequent shipments by over 200%, to cope with increasing rate of pre-orders from distributors.

Commenting on the impressive sales figures, Rajan Sharma, General Manager, Marketing and Sales, GIGABYTE India, said, "This huge initial demand, which will generate a renewed market thrust for us, has come as a pleasant surprise because we had expected the sales of GIGABYTE 6 Series motherboards to pick up only after two-three months. This success can be attributed to our products' high-utility features combined with its competitive pricing, maximizing the customer's value for money. Now, we expect the demand to further increase substantially in the next quarters.

After its launch at the prestigious 2011 International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), held recently at Las Vegas, US, these latest generation of motherboards from GIGABYTE have been receiving an encouraging market response and outstanding reviews from technology and publications worldwide.

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