Google Pays For Security Research

Hey LockBoxx fanatics! Need some extra cash? Don't we all! Well Google wants to help you, for a little research of your own. Google is offering a $500 minimum reward for reporting security bugs in the Chrome web browser. These rewards go all the way up to $1337 (lol seriously leet), and Google will also be giving a grand reward of $20,000 in the Pwn2Own contest. Don't belive me? Check out this fat list of Google cash recipients. Wowza! If you don't know the kinds of bugs we are talking about, these are SECURITY vulnerabilities. Anything that can affect data confidentiality, integrity, availability, authentication, or non-repudiation within the Chrome web browser. You may want to perform some deep inspection of assembler code, or maybe try some unconventional uses of chrome. Whatever your method of investigation, simply report your security vulnerability here, just make sure it wasn't already reported first. Good luck and happy hunting!