Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

On a earlier discussion we have precisely described Intrusion Detection System (IDS), if you have not read the previous story than it is recommended you to first read the previous story than continue to this story, because the basis of this article has been presented on previous article to read previous one click here.

After reading the previous article you have an idea about the importance of IDS, as we have described the basis of IDS, at this artcile we will talk about the different type of IDS.

Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS)

In network intrusion detection system each and every packet that travel across the network are analysed, by looking the packets IDS identify any miscellaneous activity on the network and it notifies the administrator about it. NIDS can be use on a single machine that wants to monitor its own traffic and it can be install to major the network traffic by single machine. Example Tool:

Host Intrusion Detection Systems (HIDS)

Rather than analysing network packets like NIDS, HIDS monitors the computing system. The abilities of HIDS including log analysis, event correlation, integrity checking, policy enforcement, rootkit detection, and alerting.In general it takes snap shots of an exciting system and compare it with the previous snap shot that has been taken before it.
If the system files modified delete or something unusual occur than it will notify the administrator about it. Example Tool:

Intrusion Detection Systems Can Provides 
  • Increase the security and management of IT infrastructure.
  • Can detect and report if any attack occur
  • It can detect errors on critical files
  • IDS can guide administrator to develop network polices 
  • It can report if any alteration occur 
Limitation Of Intrusion Detection Systems
  • IDS cannot identify the weak authentication mechanism.
  • If the network is busy than it cannot analyse all the taraffic
  • It require administration signal to conduct investigation of attack.
Video Demonstration Of OSSEC

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