Mobile Malware

Hola LockBoxx fans! If you read my "iPhone Insecurity" post than you understand how big of a mal-ware target smart phones can be. Smartphones ARE the next PC people. But what I didn't realize, was how close my predictions were. I just finished reading first 2011 issue of Hakin9 magazine, and make no doubt about it people: mobile malware is real!! Android's un-policed market suffered a rather serious spree of malware in 2010, causing them to reinact "remote kill" to auto-remove any large malware outbreaks that slip past their market guard. But still, two rather nefarious spyware apps slipped into the market, known as "Smartphone for Android" and "Mobile Nany". These spyware programs would run in the background without alerting the user, while constantly updating their exact GPS location to a web-site in control of whoever set the spyware up. Andoid is not the only market to be hit with malware. Even Apple's vetted market was caught off guard by a popular game, "Aurora Feint", that was secretly stealing contact information. Even "BlackBerry App World" got hit with spyware. So be aware people, it is out there!! But there are also some really cool black-market apps out the too!! If you have Android, check out "Beyonce Ringtone" ;) lol Thank me in the comments. Untill next time lockbox readers!!
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