NEC collaborates with Aricent as its Femtocell Services Partner


NEC collaborates with Aricent as its Femtocell Services Partner

NEC Corporation will collaborate with Aricent as a service partner to support the deployment of its market-leading 3G Femtocell solution for operators in India. The move strengthens NEC's local presence and support for Indian mobile operators.

"NEC is strengthening its local presence in support of Indian mobile operators. At the same time, NEC is leveraging its global market leadership, experience in Femtocell deployments and mature Femtocell solution to plan and deploy 3G indoor networks in conjunction with the deployment of 3G macro networks. NEC has selected Aricent for its expertise in Femtocell technology which includes professional system integration, interoperability and post-deployment support services as it would complement NEC's advanced Femtocell technology for delivery and operation in the Indian market." said K. Oda, Managing Director, NEC India.

NEC has nine contracts worldwide with mobile operators for Femtocell system deployments which make up nearly half a million Femtocell devices. In addition, NEC has 24 Femtocell system trials in progress or that have been completed with mobile operators around the world.

"We have been collaborating with NEC for some time as a Femtocell systems delivery and deployment partner, supporting trials and commercial rollouts in EMEA (Europe Middle East and Africa)," said Patrick Joggerst, executive vice president and general manager at Aricent. "We continue to enhance our relationship as a strategic systems integration partner for NEC, enabling regional operations centres for NEC in India and other parts of the world. This exciting development provides us with an opportunity to become part of the transforming landscape of 3G services that is evolving to 4G in the near future."

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