SMS - Superb Mini Server

I visited Distrowatch today and i saw an interesting Linux distribution which is based on Slackware. It's called SMS - Superb Mini Server. It's a simple operating system designed for a server that is easy to manage and configure. It's console-based (since it's being used for server only), so all the administration will be done via web interface (they provide webmin) and of course console Evil Grin

They have just released the latest version 1.5.6 which is synced with the latest update on Slackware-Current per February 16. They are now using longterm kernel along with many basic toolchain included in the Slackware-Current.

IMHO, this Linux distribution is a perfect one if you are looking for a Linux distribution which is based on Slackware to be used as a server as it has contain all the server-related packages you need:
  • Apache version 2.2.17
  • BIND version 9.7.2_P3
  • Dovecot IMAP version 1.2.16
  • ISC DHCPd version 4.2.0
  • Fetchmail version 6.3.17+SSL+NLS
  • HylaFAX+ Server version 5.5.0
  • MySQL version 5.1.55
  • OpenSLP version 1.2.1
  • OpenVPN version 2.1.1
  • OpenLDAP Server version 2.4.24
  • ProFTPd version 1.3.3d
  • Postfix version 2.8.0
  • OpenSSH_5.8p1
  • Samba version 3.5.6
  • Sendmail version 8.14.4, config V10/Berkeley
  • SpamAssassin version 3.3.1
  • Sarg version
  • Squid version 3.1.11
  • DansGuardian
  • VsFTPd version 2.3.2
  • PPPD Dialing Server version 2.4.5
  • CUPS Print Server version 1.4.6
  • Netatalk Appletalk File/Print server 2.1.5
  • UW-IMAP Server
You can choose to download the LiveCD first and then if you like it, you can download the Native CD which can be used to install the SMS distribution on your computer. You can also opt to download XOrg and KDE-related packages, which is included in a separate module. This way, you can have a KDE-based desktop environment using SMS Yahoo