Tools and Stuff

Brett Shavers, who maintains the RegRipper site, has compiled an archive of new plugins and posted them for download. Brett's done a fantastic service for the DF community, in not only setting up the site for RegRipper, but maintaining it, and posting this archive of plugins. A huge thanks to Brett...and if you see him at a conference, be sure to buy him a beer!

As a side note, along with the release of Windows Registry Forensics, I had posted the DVD contents here, as well. The archive contains what's on the DVD, so while you can get it, it's really most helpful when used in conjunction with the book.

El Jefe
Over at the HolisticInfoSec blog, Russ shared a little El Jefe love recently. Russ says that El Jefe is a Windows-based process monitoring tool that "intercepts native Windows API process creation calls, allowing you to track, monitor, and correlate process creation events. " Very cool. The tool is in version 1.1 and is available from the good folks at Immunity, and runs on Windows 2000/XP through Windows 7, reportedly in both 32- and 64-bit versions. This looks like a great tool not only for dynamic malware analysis, but perhaps also for incident preparation. I mean, wouldn't you like to know what ran on a system?

I haven't been doing a lot of live box forensics/IR work, but I ran across the Tuluka kernel inspector recently, and it caught my eye. If you've read my books, you know that I've used GMER in the past. I can't say that I've really had issues with rootkits, and many times I just get to do "dead box" forensics, but this looks like another tool that folks may find useful.

Erik sent out an email recently to say that NetworkMiner had gone to version 1.0. Congrats to Erik and all the folks who've worked on or used NetworkMiner! NM is an excellent compliment to other network data analysis tool such as Wireshark. Per Erik, some of the new features include:

Here are some new features in NetworkMiner since the previous version:

* Support for Per-Packet Information header (WTAP_ENCAP_PPI) as used by Kismet and sometimes Wireshark WiFi sniffing.
* Extraction of
Facebook as well as Twitter messages into the message tab. Added support to extract emails sent with Microsoft Hotmail (I.e. Windows Live) into Messages tab.
* Extraction of twitter passwords from when settings are changed. Facebook user account names are also extracted (but not Facebook passwords).
* Extraction of gmailchat parameter from cookies in order to identify users through their
Google account logins.
* Protocol parser for Syslog. Syslog messages are displayed on the Parameter tab.

Pretty cool stuff! Check it out, and be sure to check out the NM Wiki if you have any questions! Along with tools like Wireshark and NetWitness Investigator, NetworkMiner can be extremely useful for IR from a network perspective.

Andreas has released v1.0.7 of his EvtxParser, a Perl-based approach for parsing Vista and Windows 7 Windows Event Log/EVTX files.

Mandiant has released a new version of Highlighter. Not much else to say, really...if you use this tool, take a look at the updates. I know several folks who find Highlighter to be very useful.

More of a process than a tool, the folks over at Digital Forensic Solutions have posted to their blog about how to go about examining PointSec-encrypted drives. I can't say that I've had issues with encrypted drives...I've either had the admin boot the system and we'd image it live, or I acquired images of the drives with the customer knowing full well that the images would be encrypted (imaging job, no analysis). However, DFS's post provides some great information.

Also not a tool, but really kind of cool...Corey's written up a nice post about some analysis he did that involved looking into the Java cache folder. Corey walks through identification of the issue, going so far as to demonstrate decompiling a Java .jar file. What I really like about Corey's posts is how complete they are, without giving away any case specific information. This isn't something that you see very often in the IR/DF community...but Corey clearly demonstrates how easy it is to do this and provide a valuable teaching moment. Great job, Corey...thanks!