March's Hacker News

Many of you have by now heard that the RSA corporation has been hacked. Here is there official statement about the hack. But what does this break in mean to you?? Well if your one of the thousands of companies that use RSA's Secure ID dual authentication services, it could mean your secure key could be spoofed, allowing someone to impersonate you. Now granted, this is a very sophisticated attack, but still completely plausible now that the algorithm seeds have leaked. This is pretty big news, as it severely destabilizes the authentication that the Secure ID offered. Granted, the person that stole them probably won't target you directly, but I wouldn't be surprised to see those seeds being sold off to other malicious individuals. Another bit of hacker news that caught my eye this month, Google and China continue to have issues. Individuals in China keep claiming bugs in Google software, but after repeated testing Google claims the bugs are coming from transmission interference; Aka, someone is reading or tampering with Chinese mail systems. China denied any interference with the internet traffic, but don't they always?