New LILO Splash Screen

A new LILO splash screen is spotted on LILO's source directory which is quite unique and it should be fun to watch.

If you want to use the new one, Here's the steps:
  • Download the image source from here
  • Copy the new bitmap to /boot (use the original name so you won't have to delete your previous splash screen just in case you want to return to the normal LILO splash screen)
  • Open your /etc/lilo.conf and edit it so it became something like this
    # bitmap = /boot/slack.bmp (the old one is now commented)
    bitmap = /boot/sl1337.bmp (new line added)
  • Re-ran /sbin/lilo -v and make sure there are now errors generated
  • Reboot and voila.... your new splash screen is thereYahoo
FYI, Linux Kernel is out now, so the next RC (or probably direct to final version) of Slackware 13.37 is really close now. Please test it and report any bugs so it can be fixed before the final version comes up. It could be anydays now, so be quick. Do as Pat says: Don't forget to apply the 0.3% fudge factor. Rolling