PBBI to double its channel partner presence in India


PBBI to double its channel partner presence in India

Pitney Bowes Business Insight (PBBI) has announced that it would double its channel presence in India. PBBI currently has 100 partners across levels here. It is looking at adding large System Integrators, value added resellers and partners across regions and verticals. The company made this announcement at the Partner & System Integrators (SI) Event, where the executive management of the company presented about PBBI, plans in India, roadmap for its products to a group of partners, enterprise customers and select invitees.

According to John O’Hara, President, Pitney Bowes Business Insight, "The technology leap that India has made over the past decade makes it a truly exciting, important market of the future for Pitney Bowes Business Insight. The channel partner expansion is aimed at capturing more customers across regions and verticals for our cutting edge suite of new products and solutions. An important focus would be the public sector where our product portfolio is both competitive and advantageous"

In his comments, Manish Choudhary, Managing Director, Pitney Bowes Software India, said, "India is no longer an emerging market with a GDP growth of 8-9%. The resulting growth across sectors simply means we need to grow our channel partner base in India exponentially which is what we have done now. In sync with our Customer Communication Management strategy, we would be coming out regularly with innovative and integrated products with which we can go to market".

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