Slackware 13.37 RC 3

Another RC has been released by Pat to unofficially announced that final version of Slackware 13.37 is getting closer and closer to reality. He actually gave spoiler on my blog few days ago, so i'm not that surprised Rolling

Anyway, RC 3 does bring some new exciting changes. First one is the inclusion of final version of Firefox 4.0. It has no difference with RC 2 release, so i guess Pat's predictions was right to include Firefox 4.0 RC 1 to the main package since the beginning. Another great inclusion is Google Chrome. We all know that Google Chrome is one of the favorite browser out there. Pat knows this and he decided to put Google Chrome SlackBuild script in /Extra directory plus all the dependencies required (GOrbit2 and GConf). Why does Pat leave Google Chrome binary? Because it changes very fast and it's better for users to grab the source from Google directly and then use the same SlackBuild script to build a Slackware-compatible package from DEB package (Google only provides RPM and DEB).

Other changes are not that interesting, but it does fix some problems, so if you are interested with those, please have a look on the ChangeLog directly.

It's getting closer everyone, so please prepare your bandwidth and also your donations to Slackware once it's released. I wish Slackware Store will update their catalogs with the new shirt with 13.37 logo on it. I think it would be a cool idea.