Enhanced cooperation in unitary patent protection: the paperchase begins!

The Kats have got
a lot of reading ahead ...
From the admirable Steve Peers comes good news: the European Commission's proposals for the fate of the patent system in divided-we-stand, united-we-er-argue Europe are now available online and in English. Steve observes:
"Would you believe that, at the moment, the English-language versions can only be found if you check the French-language version of the DG Internal Market website? C'est magnifique!"
The main proposal is the 25-page proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection (here).

Then there's a proposal for a Council Regulation implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection with regard to the applicable translation arrangements (14 pages, here)

The impact assessment, which has nothing to do with the effect of the whole thing falling on your head (here).  Someone must be expecting a big impact since this document is 50 pages in length.  If however you want less of an impact, you can read the summary of the impact assessment instead (just seven pages, here).

The Kats haven't had time to read this all yet, but expect than their keenest readers are already doing so.