iPhone Location Tracking

It was recently exposed that iPhones secretly store location data whenever the phone is on. The original findings were published in an IEEE article back in January 2011. Apple fans claim Android does the same in defense, the only real difference is that Android's data aggregation is opt-in where as Apple's is mandatory and hidden. This has resulted in lawsuits being taken against Apple, as well as congress taking notice. This is a serious security concern, as Apple files are quite insecure to begin with, allowing almost anyone who has physical access and a Linux machine to access to these files. And it's quite easy too, all one has to do is download The iPhone Tracker application, which will visualize the data over a timeline. The data goes back as far as the device has been activated, and you can't circumvent this by disabling satellite communication either. The tracking doesn't actually use GPS, it uses cell tower triangulation, so its almost unavoidable so long as the device is on. The tracking also provides scary accurate data, although the viewing application displays a condensed time frame, so it is difficult to track precise movements. I think it is also important to note that this data can be used by the government without a warrant, although it is still questionable to as whether this data will stand up as sufficient evidence, because while your cellphone has been somewhere, that does not prove that you have been there. A really good way to prevent access to these log files, is simply encrypt your files! I personally tested the "Encrypt backup" function then tried viewing the data via the iPhone Tracking application, and encryption is a viable method to stop location spies (Note: Not sure if this will stop Apple from viewing this data*).