Norwegian on Blue Coat's WebPulse Service


Norwegian on Blue Coat's WebPulse Service

Blue Coat Systems has added a Norwegian languagev module to the cloud-based Blue Coat WebPulse service, a collaborative community that unites 75 million users in a common defence against Web-based threats. The addition of the new module provides real-time analysis of new and unknown Norwegian Web content and provides the WebPulse service with greater visibility into the Web ecosystem for more comprehensive protection from dynamic, Web-based threats.

"Trying to keep pace with the dynamic, international nature of malware is a losing game for businesses that rely on traditional security utilizing static databases," said Steve Daheb, Chief Marketing Officer & Senior Vice-President at Blue Coat Systems. "The support for real-time language ratings gives WebPulse a more holistic view of the Web and the visibility to identify and block multi-lingual malware attacks."

The Blue Coat WebPulse service provides real-time Web intelligence by uniting 75 million users worldwide. Real-time requests are dynamically analyzed by WebPulse and then categorized, enabling organizations to immediately begin enforcing policies for that class of Web content. Additionally, the real-time analysis also provides protection against new or evolving malware threats as the discovery of malware by one user immediately protects all users within the WebPulse community.

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