RightScale and Zend deliver Open Platform as a Service


RightScale and Zend deliver Open Platform as a Service

RightScale and Zend Technologies have announced a jointly-developed solution for deploying and managing business-critical PHP applications with high availability, elasticity and portability in the cloud. The new RightScale Zend PHP Solution Pack provides a pre-configured open Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) architecture for faster cloud onboarding while maintaining the ability to customize and control the cloud environment.

The RightScale Zend PHP Solution Pack combines the RightScale Cloud Management Platform with the Zend PHP architecture powered by Zend Server, making it the only production-ready solution to instantly provision a pre-configured, clustered PHP environment that scales dynamically while ensuring high availability. Now enterprises can take advantage of a pre-configured, 3-tier high availability (HA) architecture for a faster on-ramp to cloud deployment while retaining full control of the architecture and freedom to choose among a variety of target cloud resource pools. The RightScale Zend PHP Solution Pack comes bundled with RightScale premium onboarding - a step-by-step path to deploying on the cloud - which helps customers get started quickly while following best practices developed jointly by RightScale and Zend.

"Considering PHP's ubiquity on the web, it was not a question if it embraced the cloud, but when," said Stephen O'Grady, Principal Analyst with RedMonk. "With the recently announced RightScale/Zend partnership, the two companies are offering PHP users the best of both worlds, with the time to market of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and the flexibility of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)."

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