Sandcat - Web Application Security Scanner

Security of a website is a very important for any organisation or for personal websites. You have to check the security of your website and you should find the vulnerability into your website before that an attacker will find it and exploit it.
There are different vulnerabilities that might be occur on your website, the famous attacks like SQL-I and XSS etc.

As discussed before about some automatic vulnerability scanner.
Beside these tools SandCat is also be a great tool to scan a web application for different vulnerabilities, Sandcat combines Syhunt's state-of-the-art, multi-process scanning technologies with the incredibly fast Lua language to perform remote web application security scans. While spidering a web site and hunting vulnerabilities, Sandcat emulates a modern, HTML 5-aware web browser, making sure every web application gets fully tested.

Key Features
  • Black-Box Testing - Assess the web application security through remote scanning.
  • Deep Crawling - Runs security tests against web pages discovered by crawling a single URL or a set of URLs provided by the user.
  • Advanced Injection - Maps the entire web site structure (all links, forms, XHR requests and other entry points) and tries to find custom, unique vulnerabilities by simulating a wide range of attacks/sending thousands of requests (mostly GET and POST). Tests for SQL Injection, XSS, File Inclusion and many other web application vulnerability classes.
  • Reporting - generates a report containing information about the vulnerabilities.
Sandcat is available on windows based operating system, however if you want some linux based vulnerability scanner than you may consider wapiti.

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