May's Hacker News!

On May 21st, Lockheed Martin, a national security contractor, was attacked via advanced authentication spoofing. They claim to have fully repeled the attack, without losing any sensitive information, yet it seems the vulnerability still exists. It's presumed the attack was made possible through previously compromised RSA SecurID tokens (HackerNews has you), which were stolen a few months ago. Some sources seem to insist the SecurID tokens have deprecated, and corporations even tout switching authentication methods. In other news, a group called LulzSec, a hacker branch off of Anonymous; has been wreaking havoc on Sony and the internet in general. There homepage offers quite the assortment of lulz, although Sownage is probably the best release to date. These same groups have been associated with larger groups, although recently, cyber attacks are all the rage. Based on the target, this could even be an international operation. So stay on top of your game, gang. If you are using SecurID, consider other solutions, or even a risk C&A(pen test). Remember to watch your audit logs, review your user base, and question strange actions. These are trying times, and the successful will be those who remain vigilant!