Slackware Goodies Shipment

Since last week, Slackware goodies that we (Indonesian Slackware Communities) has arrived safely at my house even though it took longer than i thought (6 days instead of 3 days) and since then, i began to distribute them to the buyers around Indonesia (Palembang, Makassar, Jakarta, Surabaya, Cirebon, Magelang, Kalimantan).

Since i used TIKI and it has a tracking number, it's so easy to track the progress of the shipment, just like what we used for international shipping from Slackware Store by using UPS. Right now, only five shipments left. Two will be delivered since the receiver will take it today, and the rest will be delivered by today or tomorrow at most since it has been shipped since like two days ago.

I'm so relieved that all the shipment has arrived safely, since i had a bad experience when i bought Smashing Magazine. They sent it using air mail and it didn't arrive until they decided to resent the book using upgraded shipping method that provide tracking number whew!

Again, thanks to Theresa from Slackware Store for taking care our orders and also for Indonesian Slackware Community. I hope the new SlackwareT-Shirt fits you well Goodluck