Support Needed

Most of the Slackware Crew's work that we enjoyed nowadays are hosted at There are SlackBook, Slackpkg, Sbopkg, Robby Workman's web, AlienBOB's Wiki and Blog, an official mirror for XFCE, netfilter/iptables tutorial, mailing lists for, DNS and email for, and many more.

There was no problem with the hosting server, but recently, the old server was having a rough time maintaining it's availability and it's causing more and more problems to the maintainers, so the Crew thought it is probably the right time to migrate to a new server. Check Robby's post on SlackBuilds-User mailing list.

FYI, Cardinal is an old 1u server with dual P3 Coppermine procs and 3G of ram and it's running Slackware 13.37. Check the personal system information page if you don't believe me Goodluck

Alan Hicks is making a new spec for new server and it would cost around USD 1000++ (They are going to add more disk storage onto it so that it could host more Slackware-related projects in the future). The new machine will have a three years of hardware warranty, which is a good post-sales offer since it will be running 24/7.

The Crew hates to say this, but they need a lot of donations from the community to buy the new server. If you feel that the above projects had helped you in the past or in your current situation, you can repay them back by donating some of your money for the new server deployment. The Crew will not make any profit from it because they also wanted to give back to the free software world. When the donation gets beyond their spendings for the server, the rest of the money will be donated to Slackware Linux Project, which is a good way to make Slackware Linux keeps running.

You can start donating by visiting Cardinal's Website and click on the Donate button. You will see Robby's PayPal account there and you can start donating thumbs up