Using Kernel Linux 2.6.39

As soon as the new stable kernel has been released by Linus Torvalds, i downloaded them and install it on my workstation few days ago. It was a nice release, and one thing i would like to test is the new EXT 4 SMP scalability and also further performance improvements after they removed the BKL (Big Kernel Lock) and many other patches from the kernel developers. At that time, i didn't install it on my desktop first, since i'm not really sure whether the current NVidia driver already supported this new kernel or not.

Since few days ago NVidia launched a new driver, 270.41.19, i quickly downloaded this driver and then compile the new kernel on my desktop and at the moment, i'm compiling it on my laptop as i'm writing this post. The new NVidia driver already have support for Linux Kernel 2.6.39, so if you are curious about the new kernel and you are using NVidia, go for it Rock

Here's the result on my workstation:
Linux office 2.6.39-smp #1 SMP Thu May 19 21:31:28 WIT 2011 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 540 @ 3.07GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

and here's on my desktop
Linux desktop 2.6.39-smp #1 SMP Sat May 21 06:50:01 WIT 2011 i686 Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

and lastly, my laptop
Linux laptop 2.6.39-smp #1 SMP Sun May 22 05:17:13 WIT 2011 i686 Genuine Intel(R) CPU U7300 @ 1.30GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux