Ayn Rand & the Soul of Capitalism

Years after her death, Ayn Rand remains one of the world's most controversial and widely read authors, though I have never liked her philosophy of Objectivism. (If you wish to know about Objectivism, then click here.)

In the last few days, I have revisited Rand's works, and yes, rereading both 'The Fountainhead' and 'Atlas Shrugged' has not changed my perspective on Rand's 'I, Me, Myself' philosophy. Just digest this Randian idea: 'Selfishness is a virtue' and 'altruism is immoral'. 

In this space, I wish to share two interesting pieces on Rand's ideas.

  • Peter Farrell on 'How self-destructive narcissists are sabotaging Adam Smith's ideal'. (Marketwatch)

  • Stephen Prothero, a Professor of Religion at Boston University, dwells on the hypocrisy of the Republican Party's love for Rand's philosophy and how it rebels against the core beliefs of the right-wing party. (USA Today)

Have you read Ayn Rand? If yes, what do you think about her ideas? Please post your ideas in the comments section.