Global Cyber Actors

In recent news, Steven Harper gained full control of Canadian Parliament, which caused a strange anarchist surge on the internet. This open anarchist letter is calling on the hacktivist power of the internet to help attack Canada. Considering that, here is an amazing website detailing many international cyber groups, that could potentially be players in such an event. Although very recently, The Pentagon declared hacking an 'act of war'. Nato quickly backed this up, asserting it would enforce this ruling. Obama even chimed in, saying corporate hacking could carry a three year minimum sentencing. This could spell severe trouble for anyone taking part in the Canadian attack, causing trouble on an international level we have yet to fully experience. Shortly after this announcement, Friday June 3rd to be precise, LulzSec took the challenge and hacked the FBI affiliate InfraGard. Since then the scene has remained eerily quite, although keep alert security friends, as I have a feeling a war is about to erupt.